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What kind of massage should I book?

The NO-Talking Massage

This is for those who would prefer silence during the massage.

I will not speak unless you initiate a conversation.

The "please don't do any of that woo woo voo doo on me" Massage

This is a massage focused mostly on deep tissue work.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am "woo woo" and you will receive "voo doo" but I won't be overt about it.

Craniosacral Therapy

I have taken the CST1, CST2, and SER1 courses by The Upledger Institute. This would be a strictly craniosacral session. It's a gentle light touch but penetrates deeply into the nervous system to correct misalignment and reduce stress.  

The "I trust you, just HELP!" Massage

I've got a lot of unique tricks from my many years of experience. Craniosacral, energy work, trigger point, polarity therapy, etc. I will find the problem areas and do what I do to help.

Sinus Relief/Neck and Shoulder Massage

I will use Peppermint, Tea Tree, and/or Eucalyptus essential oil to open up the sinuses of the head and back of the neck. I will also massage the lymph and open up the sore muscles of the neck and shoulders. 

Please use your discernment and don't book if you're contagious.

Package of 3 Massages

This is for people who have been here before and know that they will be coming back for multiple sessions.

Get a discount when you pre-purchase three massages.

I appreciate your repeat business!

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